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Private Residence with Flint Hills Roman Maximus

Chicago, IL

Hanna Architects
Illinois Brick Company, a brand of Brickworks

Flint Hills Residence makes a bold statement on the Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. The home was designed to add a sleek, modern mid-century style design among a traditional Chicago-neighborhood. Glen-Gery’s Roman Maximus size brick was the perfect fit to achieve this objective.

This two-story home features a single large off-set window on the second floor which adds to the minimalistic design and clean lines. The innovative-look of the structure of the home adds an intriguing curbside appeal to the neighborhood and will blend well with future homes within the community. The homeowners stated, “there was no other sustainable, natural material that could protect our family and create this beautiful look.”

This home sure stands out on the block and has already begun influencing future neighbors to select a similar home-style and long-linear brick like the Roman Maximus size offers. The brown to beige/cream color scheme of Flint Hills is timeless, and suits the neighboring properties and environment perfectly.


Whether you’re building a new home or planning a special project, you’ll find everything you need at a Brickworks Supply Center.